What Can your Donation Do?
Below are details of what your donation can provide.
8 Euro
• Provide vaccinations for Children
• Drawing materials
• School Socks
15 Euro
• Primary School Uniform
• School Bag
• School Shoes
• School Jumper
• Scientific Calculator
23 Euro
• Complete School Uniform (uniform, bag, shoes and jumper)
• Provide food for a primary child for a week
• Stationery items for school
• Soccer (football) ball
35 Euro
• Eye glasses
• Community Health Volunteers Allowance for a month.
• 13kg Gas bottle – provide 3 months cooking for family
• Purchase 2 ring Gas cooker
55 Euro
• Primary school “extra fees” for firewood for a year
• Provide rent for two months in a shanty
65 Euro
• Provide a family of 4 with food for a month
90 Euro
• Hospital treatment for a child – general
100 Euro
• Provide art materials for a term
• Provide training for Community Health Workers
130 Euro
• Exam fees for Vocational Training courses
• Vocational Training Courses: hairdressing, plumbing, carpentry, computer packages and hospitality.
160 Euro
• Provide educational textbooks for the year
• Paediatric hernia operations
250 Euro
• Provide shelter for a “trafficked” child for 1 month (shelter, counselling, food and education).
• Provide day secondary education for a year
570 Euro
• Provide boarding secondary education for a year
670 Euro
• Child Rights Lawyer per month